пятница, 14 мая 2010 г.

Insurance and Capital Protection Group

Insurance- A special kind of economic relations to ensure protection of the insured persons and their cases from various dangers.

Insurance in the broad sense – includes various types of insurance and protected business (actually insurance, or primary insurance, Reinsurance, coinsurance), Which in combination provide insurance protection.

Insurance in the narrow sense is a relationship (between policyholder and insurer) To protect the property interests physical and entities (policyholders) upon the occurrence of certain events (insurance claims) At the expense of funds (hedge funds) generated from insurance premiums paid by them (premium).

The economic essence and functions of insurance (Capital Protection Group)

The economic essence of insurance is to provide insurance protection. Insurance protection can be explained as a two-sided reaction of mankind to the possible danger of natural, technological, economic, social, ecological, capital and other descent. On the one hand, the insurance cover is called an objective requirement of natural and legal persons in maintaining their property interests associated with different aspects of life. On the other hand, this need is accompanied by a corresponding ability of people to ensure the above interests.

If the need for capital protection is generated by fear, and the ability to protect the knowledge because of this fear, the need for appropriate natural or monetary funds with which to ensure the safety of property, personal and other interests of the people, then we can say that will take effect the system of insurance protection.

Thus, insurance protection can be defined as the perceived need physical and Legal persons in the establishment of special insurance fund for the restoration of property, health, disability and personal income as the participants in the creation of these funds, and third parties.

Public practice over a long period of time developed three basic forms of organization of the insurance fund:

  1. Centralized insurance (reserve) funds created by budget and other public funds. Formation of such funds is carried out both in kind and in cash. National Insurance (Reserve) Funds are available to the government.
  2. Self – a system of creation and use of insurance funds, economic entities and individuals. These decentralized insurance funds are in-kind and cash. These funds are intended to overcome the temporary difficulties in the activities of a specific producer or Rights. The main source of decentralized insurance funds are income Enterprise or individual.
  3. Actually insurance as a system of creating and using the funds of insurance companies at the expense premiums interested in insuring the parties. The use of these funds is carried out to recover damages incurred in accordance with the terms and insurance rules.

At present, substantially changes the ratio between centralized, decentralized funds and funds of specialized insurance companies. The shift occurs in the direction of strengthening the role of insurance.

Thus, the economic essence of insurance is to provide cash funds by contributions from interested parties in the insurance and for damages from persons involved in the formation of these funds. Because the potential damage (or insurance risk) Has a probabilistic nature, it is a redistribution of the insurance fund in space and in time. One can say that the compensation of the injured persons is due to contributions from all those who participated in the formation of these insurance funds.

Excrete following function of insurance Expressing the social purpose of this category:

  1. Risk-taking function which consists in providing insurance protection against various Risk- Random events that lead to losses. As part of this function is the redistribution of financial resources among all participants of insurance. This feature reflects the main purpose of insurance – protection Risk.
  2. Investment function which consists in the fact that the expense of temporarily free funds of insurance funds (insurance reserves) Is financing the economy. Due to the fact that insurers accumulate in a large amount of funds that are intended to redress, but until then, has not yet come insurance case they may be temporarily invested in various securities, Property and other areas. Volume investment insurance companies in the world is around 19 trillion U.S..
  3. The warning function insurance is that from part of an insurance fund financed activities to reduce insurance risk. For example, at the expense of the funds collected in fire insurance, Funded fire prevention measures and activities aimed at reducing the possible damage from fire.
  4. Savings function. In life insurance category of insurance are most approaches to the category Loan Because there is an accumulation of insurance contracts certain insurance amounts. Conserve cash, for example through endowment policy due to the need for insurance protection made by the family income. Thus, insurance may have a savings feature.
  5. Monitoring function Insurance is enclosed in a strictly target the formation and use of the insurance fund. This feature follows from the above and appears simultaneously with a specific insurance relationship, in terms of insurance. In accordance with the control function on the basis of legislative and guidance documents carried insurance financial control over the correct conduct of insurance operations.

Modern state is widely used category of insurance in the form Social Insurance and pensions for public insurance to protect citizens in case of illness, disability (including age), loss of breadwinner, death. However, the organization and activities of the state social insurance funds, pension funds are regulated by special law, different from the legislation governing the activities of the specialized insurance companies, that is actually insurance, and the scope of this article.

Insurance Organization

Principles of organization of insurance business (Capital Protection Group)

The main feature of the fundamental organization of insurance business in the modern period (in contrast to the Soviet period) is its monopolization and development Competition insurance companies. Along with the state insurance emerged and developed private insurance. Competition. Usually refers to voluntary insurance.

Competition encourages insurance companies to develop and implement new insurance Constantly improve them, expand the range and cover additional segments of the insurance market. In conducting the same kinds of insurance competition between insurance companies is expressed in the establishment of suitable forms of contract and payment premiums, Reduction of tariff rates, prompt payment of insurance compensation and insurance coverage.

Competition in all areas – the main condition for the transition to market economy. However, insurance – a special kind of activity designed to provide insurance protection to individuals and legal entities. Therefore important to organize insurance to insurers not ruined, did not cease their activities. This is accomplished by special methods of state regulation of insurance activities, as well as the development of a clear legal and economic foundations of insurance. Hence second principle – the need for state regulation of insurance activities, based on a solid legal and economic foundations.

Competition in the insurance, the inherent competition, can not be regarded as an absolute category. In many cases, especially when taking large risks insurance, requires the cooperation Insurers. This cooperation takes the form coinsurance and Reinsurance. An important principle of organization of insurance as part of international economic relations is International cooperation in the field of insurance, which is caused by objective necessity in terms of deepening and expanding economic relations. Thus, the cooperation of insurance companies both domestically and abroad is also an important principle of organization of insurance business.

Organizational and legal form of insurance (Capital Protection Group)

Along with the state insurance emerged and developed insurance, produced by private companies of various organizational and legal form (stock companies, limited liability company etc.). Legislation Russia does not establish any exceptions regarding the organizational and legal forms of insurance companies. The only requirement is that it was entity.

The founders of the insurance company can be both physical and Legal persons, including foreign ones.

In insurance, there is a special form of creation of an insurance organization in the form of mutual insurance societies (DER). Rooted in the historical past, mutual insurance societies had specific organization, asset ownership and management have successfully compete in today’s insurance market of many countries with joint-stock insurance companies. Mutual Insurance Society- This organizational form of insurance protection, whereby each Policyholder is also a member of the insurance company, that is, is an association of insurers in order to provide mutual assistance. He, to a lesser extent, inherent in the commercial orientation than equity or private insurance.

One form of commercial co-operation of insurance companies is to co-insurance (coinsurance). In developed form, this leads to the creation Pools, Insurance, unions, clubs. The purpose of their creation – providing methodical and organizational assistance to its founders, the coordination of their activities for various types of insurance, participation in the preparation of legislation, promotion of scientific developments.

Measures of state regulation of insurance activity (Capital Protection Group)

Government regulation is an essential element and the principle of organization of insurance business in any country. The purpose of state regulation is to ensure the formation and development of an effective Market insurance services, creating the necessary conditions for the activities Insurers various organizational and legal forms, protecting the interests of Insurers.

The system of government regulation is the following.

  1. Licensing- Registration of insurance companies and issuing them Licenses to conduct certain types of insurance. License to conduct insurance business issued in accordance with the Terms of the licensing of insurance activities on the territory of Russia. These conditions determine:
  • The form of license and its details;
  • Requirements for the licensee (the fact of registration as a legal entity, the fact of payment of the authorized capital and the requirements for its size depending on the type of insurance);
  • A list of documents applied to the application for a license (constituent documents, Proof of payment share capital, A business plan for the first year of operation, the calculation of the ratio of assets and liabilities on the appropriate form, a statute on the formation and use of insurance reserves, If necessary, plan Reinsurance, Balance with the application report on the financial results of the last reporting date, the deployment plan of insurance reserves, the rules on types of insurance, calculation insurance rates on the appropriate form, information about the director and his deputy);
  • Procedure for examination of documents and issuance of license;
  • How to publish information about the insurer licensed.

For the issuance of the license fee is charged in the established order, which comes in budget. In identifying violations of the insurance organizations state agency oversight of the insurance business has the right to suspend or restrict a license or take a decision on its withdrawal. Refusal to license its review, suspension and limitation of actions may be appealed to court.

  1. Control to provide the financial stability of insurers. There are five basic factors that ensure the financial stability of insurance company:
  • sufficient equity;
  • amount of obligations (including technical reserves);
  • allocation of assets;
  • portfolio Risk Transferred to Reinsurance;
  • tariff policy.

More questions of financial stability of insurance companies considered in a special article.

  1. Develop forms and procedures of statistical reporting and monitoring the timely submission of financial statements of insurance companies.

  1. Taxation Insurers and Insurers.
  2. Other measures of state regulation of insurance activity.

Main public authority Exercising control and supervision of insurance activities is Federal Insurance Supervision Service (FSIS) Ministry of Finance.

The main functions of this body are:

  • Issuance of licenses for insurance activities;
  • Maintaining the Unified State Register of insurers and their associations;
  • Roster Insurance Brokers;
  • Establishing, in consultation with RF Ministry of Finance and RF State Committee on Statistics of accounts and rules Accounting, Indicators and forms of insurance operations, accounting and reporting;
  • The timing of publication of annual Balance and accounts profits (losses) Insurers;
  • Monitor the adequacy insurance rates and providing solvency Insurers;
  • Establishment of rules of formation and placement of insurance reserves;
  • Development of regulatory and methodological documents relating to the insurance activities within the jurisdiction;
  • Summary of insurance practices, the submission of proposals to improve the RF legislation on insurance.

FSIS Regulated law are as follows:

  • Obtaining necessary to perform the functions of information from insurers, businesses, institutions and citizens;
  • Audit compliance by insurers federal legislation;
  • Restriction of the licenses of insurers who violate the laws of Russia;
  • Circulation tribunal a claim on the Elimination of insurers

Classification insurance

Destinations, industry sub-sectors and types of insurance (Capital Protection Group)

There are different approaches to the classification of insurance business. In most countries of the world have identified two types of insurance: Life Insurance (Eng. life insurance) And types of insurance, non-life insurance (Eng. non-life insurance). This classification is used in the development of legal documents, analyze the insurance market and other issues.

In accordance with the Civil Code (Part II, Chapter 48 – Insurance) provides for two types (two types of contracts) of insurance: property and personal.

In the practice of insurance companies, insurance analysis, learning and teaching materials also agreed to provide three categories of insurance: property, personal and liability. The basis of division of insurance industry are differences in the objects of insurance.

In personal insurance the object of insurance is the property interests associated with the life, health, capacity for work and pensions policyholder or the insured person. The personal insurance include:

  1. Life Insurance.
  2. Insurance against accidents and diseases.
  3. Health Insurance.

In property insurance the object of insurance is the property interests associated with the ownership, use and disposal of the property.

Property insurance includes:

  1. Property insurance companies and organizations.
  2. Citizens Property Insurance.
  3. Transport insurance (means of transport and cargo).
  4. Insurance other types of property other than those listed above.
  5. Insurance of financial risks.

In the liability insurance of insurance are subject to property interests related to compensation for harm caused to the insured person or property of an individual, as well as damage caused by entity.

Liability insurance includes:

  1. Liability of vehicle owners.
  2. Liability insurance carrier.
  3. Liability insurance companies – sources of increased danger.
  4. Professional Liability Insurance
  5. Liability for failure to perform obligations.
  6. Insurance other types of civil liability.

The basis of division of insurance industry are fundamental differences in the objects of insurance. The division of insurance industry does not allow to identify the specific interests of the insurance of individuals and entities that make it possible to carry out insurance. For the concretization of these interests are separated from the insurance industry sub-sectors and insurance.

Type of insurance called insurance-specific homogeneous sites in a certain amount of insurance liability under the relevant tariff rates. The insurance relationship between the insurer and the insured carried out on insurance types. Here are just some examples, the most common of insurance.

As the types of personal insurance of citizens may be named:

- Mixed life insurance;

- Insurance of children;

- Insurance against accidents;

- Insurance against death and disability;

- Additional pension insurance;

- Health Insurance;

- Other types of personal insurance.

The types of liability insurance are:

- Motor insurance (owner of vehicle);

- Employer’s liability insurance in case of injury to health;

- Insurance of personal liability to third parties due to the negligence of the insured or his family;

- Product liability insurance product (the mediator or the seller) to consumers and others for injury, illness or loss (damage) arising from the delivery of goods;

- Insurance and indemnity;

- Professional liability insurance ( lawyers, notaries, doctors and other professionals);

- Other types of liability insurance.

The types of property insurance, for example, are:

- Insurance of property from fire;

- Insurance of property from the storm;

- cargo insurance;

- Insurance against losses due to stoppage of production;

- Insurance of certain types of vehicles;

- Many other types of property insurance.

Insurance Forms (Capital Protection Group)

Along with the classification of insurance sectors, subsectors and types of isolated forms of insurance .

Compulsory insurance (Capital Protection Group)

Compulsory called such insurance when the state establishes mandatory introduction of appropriate terms of policyholders in insurance premiums. Mandatory form of insurance subject to the priority items of insurance coverage, that is, when the need for compensation for material damages or otherwise providing financial assistance not only hurt the interests of a particular victim, but also the public interest. Civil Code (Art. 927) provides for mandatory state insurance, which is carried out by insurance companies at the expense of state budget funds, and mandatory insurance, which should be at the expense of other sources.

Examples of compulsory insurance:

- Health Insurance;

- Insurance of military personnel;

- Insurance of passengers;

- Motor insurance;

- Professional liability insurance for certain professionals (eg, notaries in the RF).

Compulsory insurance is established by law, under which insurer obliged to insure the appropriate objects, and insured- Due to make insurance payments.

  • The law generally provides for:
  • list of objects subject to compulsory insurance;
  • insurance cover;
  • level of insurance coverage or regulations;
  • the setting of tariff rates or the average difference between these rates with the provision of the right of their differentiation in the field;
  • frequency of making insurance payments;
  • basic rights and duties of the insurer and the insured.

Compulsory insurance provides, as a rule, continuous coverage specified in the law of objects. For example, if provided for compulsory insurance of passengers of the means of transport are obliged to insure everything, who is going to travel.

For compulsory insurance, as a rule, regulation provides insurance coverage

Voluntary insurance (Capital Protection Group)

Voluntary insurance is valid under the law on a voluntary basis. The law may determine to be voluntary insurance facilities and the most common insurance terms. Specific conditions are governed by insurance regulations that are being developed insurer.

Voluntary participation in insurance fully characterized only Insurers. For example, at the conclusion contracts of personal insurance insurer has no right to abandon the insurance object, if the will of the insured does not contradict the conditions of insurance. This ensures conclusion insurance contract upon request of the insured. However insurer not obliged to conclude insurance on the terms proposed by the policyholder.

For voluntary insurance is characterized by a selective (not exhaustive) coverage of the insured arising from the fact that not all insurers are willing to participate in it. In terms of insurance may be limited to contracts with insurers that do not meet to the requirements.

Voluntary insurance is always limited in terms of insurance. There is a beginning and end of the contract. Continuity of voluntary insurance can only be achieved by repeated (sometimes automatic) renegotiation of the contract for another term.

Voluntary insurance is valid only upon payment of a one-time or periodic premiums. Failure leads to the termination of the contract.

Legal basis of insurance relations (Capital Protection Group)

All legal relations connected with the conduct of insurance can be divided into two groups: the relationship governing the proper insurance, that is, the process of formation and use of the insurance fund, and the legal relations arising on the organization of insurance business, that is, activities Insurers. Their relationship with banks, budget by governments.

Those and other relations are governed by laws and other legal acts. It is believed that the first group fall within the scope of legal civil rights and the second — State, Administrative, Finance, Criminal, Procedure and other sectors and subsectors right.

In Russia, as in some western countries (eg Germany) has developed a three-tier system of legal regulation of insurance business.

Level I – General Civil Law (Capital Protection Group)

By this stage of the legal regulation of insurance should be attributed primarily the Civil Code (CC) of Russia and other similar regulations, for example, the Code of Merchant Shipping.

Civil law and therefore civil law governing the commodity-money and other property and property relations that arise between the subjects of civil legal relations. As subjects are citizens of the act (individuals), Enterprises, organizations, institutions (entities) And the state power bodies. The objects of civil law relations are material and monetary values, as well as other tangible and intangible benefits. As objects of insurance relations and serve the material and monetary value (assets, expenses, income) and intangible benefits of personal rights – life, health, disability, there is a risk of loss of family income due to loss of health or death during the period of insurance. Subjects appear insurers, policyholders and third parties. All this testifies to the ownership of insurance relationships to the sphere of civil law, to the section the law of obligations.

In Part 1 of the Civil Code established concepts underlying insurance relationships, such as individual, entity, Commercial and noncommercial activities, defines the basic organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurial activity, provides a basis for liability law.

In Part 2 of the Civil Code contains a special chapter 48, “Insurance”, which defines the framework for relations on the insurance as a separate type of economic relations.

Level II – Special legislation on insurance business

These include Russia separate laws governing relations with regard to insurance. These should include, above all, the RF Law on Insurance in Russia “, a Federal Law” On medical insurance of citizens in Russia, “the laws” On mandatory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, “On mutual insurance” and Other federal laws.

RF Law on Insurance in Russia “aims to create equal conditions of insurance for all Insurers the insurance market, both public and private, to guarantee the protection of the interests Insurers, Identify common methodological provisions for the organization of insurance and the basic principles of state regulation of insurance activities. Until December 31, 1997 acted in a Federal Law “On Insurance”, which was adopted on 27 November 1992. He was later passed a federal law “On Making Amendments and Addenda to the Federal Law” On Insurance “, which was signed by the President on December 31, 1997. In accordance with recent substantial changes in insurance legislation, including changed and the name Law. Later in the Act have been made other significant changes.

Level III – Other regulations

By the way regulations are Presidential Decrees, Government resolutions, regulations, ministries and departments. The general requirements of legislation to regulate relations in the field of insurance are to that in legislation of the first and second stage are given the basic concepts related to insurance relationships, provides general requirements for contracts of compulsory and voluntary insurance. In other statutes contain specific requirements for the implementation of the insurance activity.

Capital Protection Group

Subject preservation of capital can be divided into two hotel’s category. The first category protects the initial capital, whereas the second is responsible for the protection of the revenue already in the process of its enlargement. If you have not done a job of protecting the initial capital, you can not introduce the possibility of protecting profits. Speaking of income, the first thought that comes to mind 90% of traders – protection of income in a single winning trade. They want to know at what point the record profits from the transaction, and when to hold a profitable position. This topic is certainly worthy of discussion and consideration, but it is not the subject of this article. When I speak about the protection of income in this article, I mean the profits from all transactions. For example, starting with the account, and reaching 000, 000, what steps should be taken to make sure that the account does not “fall through” back to, 000. This is exactly what I will discuss in this article.
Protection of seed capital.
This is something with which to begin …
What was thought to Markets? I spent quite a lot of research and discovered one of the most brilliant professional secrets. I do not have to worry about protecting the initial capital, because I’m going to make a fortune. The saddest thing is that only the beginning, they “merge” its own expense during the first 36 hours, each time repeating the same mistake. Neglecting the protection of seed capital.
Once, I was approached by a trader, who had (I emphasize the word “had”) 0,000 of capital to start trading. He was going to sell Daily S & P. He asked me, with a number of contracts to start trading. I asked him, “Were you ever Daily trading on the S & P?”, “No”. “Has you the necessary research?”, “I think so. My answer was the same as it was and will always, regardless of the answers to these two questions, one. Start with the one contract. The only reason that I asked him about was that I knew that he would oppose that, to trading only one contract with an initial score of 0,000. So, I just tried to convince him to start with one contract. He began to trade with the eight. A month later, he called me. His bill slipped to 0,000 from 0,000. He decided that if he loses money, it is necessary to increase the number of traded contracts! This may be a topic for another article. Nevertheless, he called me and told me what had happened and asked what to do now? I said – trading one contract. It was an expensive lesson.
The first rule of protection of seed capital – always start trading with one contract, minimum lot of shares, or one option. No matter what the initial capital you have, how much research you conducted, what results were obtained on historical data. Start with the minimum. Starting with the minimum you can give a method to prove its efficiency, before the risks increase. (See “Power of proper money management”).
The second rule of protection of seed capital – not “peretorgovyvat” one contract too many markets. If at some point you are close to the probability of margin-Cola, then you are “overloading” your account. Sometimes it can be waived, depending on the account that you have, or the goals it has set for itself. For example, I have a funny dream – beat the record trade Larry Williams. Will I be it ever do, God only knows. But every time I try and put the entire competition account of, 000 at the starting line. The reason is a consequence of the greatness of purpose, which stands in front of me. Others can only work with a score of, 000. Virtually impossible to completely avoid stress and still be able to adequately increase the account. However, if you have the opportunity to have some margin between the initial score and the minimum margin requirement after deducting the three maximum drodaunov received on historical data – is a good start.
On the other hand, little account is the fine line between “peretorgovley” accounts and building a reasonable position. If in doubt, take the conservative side. Better be careful what crazy to have a chance to stay here until next year.


Since then the fun begins. If you are properly protected starting capital, you have a very good chance to stay in the game long enough to finally derive some income from your trade. One of the most important trading decisions in your life – how big income satisfied, if it grows. In this section, I assume that you have read and understood how to increase your risk, in the article “The power of proper money management.” If the increase in risk is correct, there is a chance that the amount of income that is received in a favorable trading period, will surprise you. However, you must protect this income, because there is always a chance drodauna, which may push you into a corner. Most traders do not realize that regardless of the methods that they sell, the system will be in drodaune, on average, from 65% to 80% of the time. And if you do not have a proper plan, you can easily see how with profits grow sweeping eagle’s wings, and it evaporates away. And you do not even know what has caused you such a defeat. (See “Drodauny can always be more …”).

If the protection of profits is more important to you than continuing increase in accounts as rapidly as possible, then the most important step in the onset of drodauna will decrease your risk per trade at a faster rate than the rate with which went the growth of risk in a favorable period. There are two main aspects of money management. How to increase the risk in the next transaction, and how to reduce the risk in the next transaction. For example, if increasing the number of contracts traded in the method FixedRatio, you are using a delta equal to, 000, to protect income, you can reduce your risk is twice as fast. For example, using the delta in, 000, beginning with the account, 000, you trade six contracts, if the account has grown to, 000. If there is a relatively large drodaun – in, 000 per contract, then your score will drop to about, 000, trade two contracts. This means that you have been sufficiently great risk in continuing drodauna.

However, if you reduce the number of contracts is twice as fast, your account drops to, 000 when trading is only one contract. Thus, even after a relatively large drodauna, you protect on, 000 more profits than if the rate of risk reduction was the same as the rate of increase in risk. Continuing to trade this system or method, you can still undergo drodaunu, 000, before reaching the value of the initial capital, 000.

Using a more rapid decrease in the number of contracts than a raise, you can actually deploy a losing scenario in the lucrative, if the first was obtained income. To increase the account by the method FixedRatio from, 000 to, 000, as in the example above, the system or method should bring the total revenue on a contract in, 000. If this system will suffer drodaun in, 000 per contract, the result will be (-, 000). However, when applying to reduce the number of contracts traded in the two times faster than growth, the end result will remain positive, 000! Method to work, 000, and then lost, 000, but a good trader, however, remained in profits, 000, despite a losing scenario.

Obviously, an article can not fully consider all the possibilities of using the appropriate capital management to protect profits. Nevertheless, I will focus on some key points. First, if in the trading process, you lessen the number of contracts (or lots of shares or options), the question arises as to when to return to increase. Simple answer, to increase the number of contracts at the same levels at which there was a decrease. Then, when you reach the goals that led to a decrease, you continue to increase the original script by using delta in, 000.

Critical points.

Almost every time I start selling a new method, or a new account, my first goal – to achieve what I call a “critical point”. The critical point is a very important point, which should seek any trader. If you apply the principles outlined and will reach this point, you will feel the joy and freedom in their trade.

The critical point is simply the level of your account, at which, in the application of appropriate management of the capital, you will never get a negative result on the account, regardless of whatever happens. It is not as difficult as it may seem.

For example, I cite his plan used for the participation of traders in the championship this year. I used the Daily trading on its system PowerTrade S & P. My account has reached a size of 7,000, starting with the whole, 000 in the beginning of the year. I did not use exactly the method of reduction described above, although very close to it. Nevertheless, in accordance with my plan, I had to go to the trade only one contract, if my account has fallen below 000. Then, if drodaun continue, with a decrease in accounts below 000, I should go to trade contract E-Mini S & P. If this happens, PowerTrade S & P will continue to trade with another additional drodaunom 5,000. That’s true, I’m not mistaken – additional drodaun to 5,000, based on trading one (complete) contract before my account reaches a negative zone.

Thus, after the receipt of income in total, 000 based on trading one contract, the method could enter into a common drodaun 0,000, before I lose this, thirty profit. Thus, based on trading one contract, this method may lose up to 0,000, while I still did not lose a penny.

Relax and perceive the power of the information contained in this article. This should forever change your view on trading methods. And if you gain invaluable experience to reach a critical point in their trade, I hope I can count on you for at least a steak dinner:)

среда, 5 мая 2010 г.

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